Muhammad Wagih

My name is Muhammad Wagih. I’m 25 years old and I’ve been training with Coach Abdullah Al-Kidd since 2012. We call him ‘Coach’. When I started training when I was 125kg (275lbs). I was extremely unhealthy; a human eating machine. I was smoking, drinking all types of sodas and sugar filled, and I ate anything in arms reach. By God’s blessings I decided to eat healthy and I dropped to 78kg (171lbs). I had loose skin and some of my friends wanted me to get surgery to remove the extra skin, but I refused. Shortly after that I asked a friend about join his rugby team.

I took playing Rugby serious and became known as a fierce player. While playing I dislocated my shoulder and was advised to get surgery but I refused. Instead, I joined a gym and began to rebuild my shoulder and gain some muscle. My weight increased to 93kg (204lbs). After seeing my size increase, the manager of the first American Football Team invited me to play on the team. This is how I met Coach. After the first year playing with Coach on the football team I decided to ask him about training.

The steroid culture in our gyms was causing me stress. I saw guys who had no muscle take a course of the steroids all of a sudden have muscles. I saw their selfies with their six-packed abs. Needless to say, I wanted to join the club. Not knowing much about steroids I decided to ask Coach about them. He immediately told me not to take steroids or human growth hormone. He told me, “if you’re sincere, I’ll train you for free and I’ll show you that you don’t need them”. I trusted him because I had hit a plateau in my training and I was completely frustrated. What I didn’t know that it would begin a journey in my life into a new world where the lines get blurred between friend and coach.

He taught me technique, training methods, nutrition, mental focus, stretching, recovery, hydration, psychology, and sports psychology. He gave me the information, his heart, and his passion for sports, athletes, and training. Our relationship started as coach/athlete, but now we’re family. Together we’ve been trying to offer something new to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the whole Middle East and beyond. It’s truly amazing we did this without steroids and male growth hormone, just pure hardcore training. We are the face of Performance Training in Jeddah.